What to think about when planning your 2022 house clearance

What to think about when planning your 2022 house clearance

Taking on a house clearance can seem like a huge task, especially if you’re staring down years of rubbish and belongings you stored away and forgot about. But there’s something about sorting your house and getting rid of your unwanted junk that’s a satisfying feeling, and it’s well worth doing .One of the reasons house clearances don’t go as planned, or you end up starting and stalling, is a lack of planning. Most people try to start a house clearance and end up getting distracted and simply move junk around the house rather than getting rid of it. So, if you’re ready for that long awaited clear out, here’s a few things you can do to make a success of it and reclaim your space.‍

Plan the time.

The main reason house clearances don’t go to plan is because people don’t plan the time to complete the project in one go. Instead most try to find a few minutes or an hour after work and clear their house bit by bit. Ultimately, they mostly end up moving junk from one room to another and never actually get around to removing it. Instead, you should plan the time to commit to clearing your house. Whether it’s taking the weekend or taking a few days off. This way you can tackle the project properly and give yourself enough time.

Work out what you’re clearing.

Are you taking on a full house clearance?

Clearing the attic?

Or just tidying up a few rooms and wardrobes?

Working out what and where you’ll be clearing will help you figure out what you’ll need to remove your unwanted rubbish once you’ve sorted it. Working out what you’re clearing can give you an idea of whether you’ll need a skip or if you could simply hire a van removal service. It can also help you figure out what size skip you might need so you can order the right size and have it delivered in good time.‍

Decide what you’ll be doing with your rubbish.

Just because you’re having a clear out doesn’t mean you’re simply limited to throwing your old items away.

Could they be recycled?


Could you even make a bit of money by selling them?

Again, deciding what you’ll be doing with your old items can help you figure out the best way of sorting and removing them, and could also help you either save some money on a skip, or make some extra cash.

Get organised.

If you’re planning to clear your entire house, then the last thing you need is to mix up the items you’re planning to dispose of, with the ones you either want to keep or sell. And you especially don’t want to risk accidentally throwing away important documents like wills and house deeds because they got mixed up with other rubbish. Before you start you should figure out where you’ll put your items while you’re clearing them so you can stay organised. For example, keeping important documents or items you’ll be keeping in one room, those items you plan to sell in another and the items you’ll be disposing of in another room. By keeping items separated it can also help you figure out how big of a skip you’ll need or what kind of removal service you should hire if you’re not sure how much you’ll actually be getting rid of.

Be ruthless.

Don’t forget why you’re going through this house clearance. It’s easy, once you start sorting through things, to get sentimental or think you should keep some items, even though they've been kept in storage and you haven’t seen them for years. We’re not talking about family photo albums, of course you should keep those, but do you really need that guitar you tried to play twice or the laptop you stored from 20 years ago?

Arrange your rubbish removal service.

Once you’ve got your house clearance planned, you can start to think about the kind of rubbish removal service you’ll need. It might be you need a rubbish removal van to come and clear your junk for recycling. If you’ve not got a lot of waste you might be able to take your own rubbish to the tip or recycling centre yourself. Or you might find you need to hire a skip. Whatever you need, arrange your delivery so you don’t end up clearing your house only to find boxes of organised rubbish sitting in your home.

Get a house clearance arranged with LITTA.

For a fast and reliable house clearance, get in touch with us at LITTA. With same day bookings available for rubbish removals and next day drop off available for skip hire, you can easily arrange your next house clear out with us. We’ve got a 93% recycling rate on the house, garden and commercial waste we collect, so you don’t have to worry about adding to the UK’s landfill problem when you book with us. And with our real-time driver tracking app, you can monitor your collection team’s location right to your door, so you don’t have to wait around all day for a pick-up. Interested?

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